Research Paper On The American Nightmare

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American Nightmare The American dream, an inspiring idea which suggests that anyone who sets foot in this country can achieve anything through hard work and passion. This deep rooted idea began in the 1600's when English citizens had hopes for the vast unexplored continent, which is now modern day America. The goal, and or basis of the American dream, is to achieve a multicultural society where everybody can live their dreams, while at the same time, not be discriminated based on race and religion. Sadly though, 239 years later since our country's beloved birth, have yet to reach the goal of obtaining American dream. The aim of reaching the American dream is unfeasible due to our generations poor resourcefulness and country's devastating poverty issues. In all honesty, no wonder why the American Dream was unable to become a reality when Americans are so wasteful of their own resources. In the book,"I'm a Stranger here Myself", author Bill Bryson states,"We are terribly-no, we are ludicrously-wasteful of resources in this country. The average American uses twice as much energy to get through life as the average European. With just 5 percent of …show more content…

In the article,"45 Million Americans Live in Poverty, but You Wouldn’t Know It From Watching 2016 Coverage", author Adam Johnson states,"According to the 2014 census, 14.5% of Americans, or over 45 million people, live in poverty, up from 11.3% in 2000; a rate not seen since the early '90s." It's substantially worrying that poverty has been steadily rising in America since the year 2000, yet the government hasn't bothered to give this topic any form of attention. It's also incredibly depressing that the poverty lifestyle has welcomed a fraction of America's population and will continue to do so. This is a vast and despairing reason America will never achieve the high standard of the American dream

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