Research Paper On Megan Leavey

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Don’t watch this movie without a fresh box of Kleenex. When I left the theater after watching Megan Leavey, every woman at the screening piled into the bathroom to fix their makeup because they were crying so much. That should tell you what to expect with this title. Megan Leavey is a based on the true life story of a young Marine played by Kate Mara whose long career of fuckups has led her to her last chance in the Marine Corps cleaning out dog turds from cages. After getting close to the most aggressive dog in Camp Pendleton named Rex, Megan for the first time in her life learns discipline and love with her combat. After a trip to Iraq which saw them blown up by an IED, Megan wants to leave the Marines but the Military wants to keep Rex for more missions. With nothing going on in her life worth fighting for, Megan focuses all of her energy …show more content…

There are many fragments of the story. Megan is portrayed as a screw up who’s only joy in life comes from the New York Yankees, then she bonds with her service dog, they complete some missions in Iraq, and then afterward struggles with the legal battle of regaining their relationship. Outside of a few details about Megan’s life before her enlistment, the film plays it straightforward and pretty accurate to the life story. The film is at its most tense when they reenact the life missions in the middle east of sniffing out bombs in hostile territory. The real Megan Leavey even confirms that the only reason the blast from an IED didn’t kill them both is that the bomb was buried too deep and the ground absorbed the blast. The anxiety of these scenes are not only attention-grabbing but gives you a greater appreciation of the risks our servicemen take every

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