Remembrance, By Emily Bronte

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Emily Bronte, a famous British poet, lived a very lonely life, she spent much of her childhood with her other five siblings reading and writing literature. In her poem, "Remembrance", she describes the fantasy her and her sister, Anne Bronte, had created about the loss of a lover (scholar's park). Her creativity and the skill of writing has brought her the fame. Even though her fame came much later after her death, her poems and books are still used as wonderful examples in everyday life. Born on July 30, 1818, in Thornton, Yorkshire (Merriam). Emily grew up with five siblings. Her mother died when she was only just three years old. This tragedy took a toll on all of the Bronte children, especially on Emily and Anne. Emily's and Anne's works "were too imaginative.. Were more exaggerative and hyperbolic."(Scholar's Park) …show more content…

these experiences were reflected on their work."(Scholar's Park) In 1825, the two oldest sisters, Maria and Elizabeth died from Tuberculosis.(Bronte 216) With the remaining siblings having no other mother-like figure around, they grew more attached to each other. In 1831, Charlotte became a teacher at a school in Roe Head.(Bronte 216) When Charlotte went away, Emily and Anne spent much time together. During this time, the two created an imaginary story. The two sisters' were together until 1835, when Charlotte returned to Roe Head and Emily accompanied her.(Bronte 216) After spending three months with Charlotte at the school, Emily left back home to Haworth. Emily wrote most of her poems on scraps of

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