Religion As A Religious Study Of Prothero

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Religion can be a personal experience and the field of theology offers many thoughts as you study it. Religious studies explore different views. To me, religious studies allow a person to be nonbiased and look at it without forming opinions. Religious studies present facts. The world is surrounded by many religious, Christianity and Islam being the larger ones. Although there are many different religions with different ways to worship, the thought process seems to be that we all have common goals. We all are seeking the ultimate peace, a final destination, just taking alternative paths. We all have a god, a book of reason, rituals, symbols, prophets, saviors and a protocol of service to follow. Prothero refers to Huston Smith and his beliefs …show more content…

It is obvious we have differences mentioned above. The question is if these differences are extreme enough to sever us and we no longer have the ability to communicate in a respectable manner. It goes without saying that there will be differences, anyone can see that. But what is being assumed is that there are some common grounds as well. Each religion is seeking peace and harmony and trying to promote world peace. Each religions teaches us to love thy neighbor and forgive each other. Even skeptics will have to acknowledge the differences as well as the similarities. The illustration Prothero uses is, we all start at the bottom of the mountain but we all are seeking to reach the peak of the mountain, just taking a different road to get there (Prothero, 12). No matter what religion we believe in, we are human. There is no such thing as life without problems. Our approaches to solving them may differ. Because of these differences it is understandable that conflicts may arise. Problems can arise if we try to push our religion on others who chose to worship differently. With all these apparent differences the obvious question might be if we are so different how can be one and the …show more content…

We must embrace our own individual beliefs and views because they do affect how we view others beliefs and views. Tradition and history of religion can be traced back to the arrival of the Puritans and the age of enlightenment (Portier, 45). In American culture, religion defines them and is implicated in all parts of life. Religion is said to be a political and economic movement and have influences in political decisions and movements. Even in the 1960’s segregation era, religion played a role in ending that (Portier, 20). Privatization shaped religious history. Americans experience the right to religious freedom. The belief allows church and state separation. This separates religion from our daily lives. Separation of shared daily life and emphasizes the individuals control over their religious practice and beliefs. Americans in the United States have the freedom to choose to worship in a manner they chose. They possess religious freedom which is not available everywhere in the world. It is hoped or believed that because of this freedom, it allows them to look at other religions in a different

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