Relationship Between George And Lennie In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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The relationship between George and Lennie is a friendship based off unity and teamwork. Lennie, mentally handicapped, but strong and tall, depends on his friend George, who is small but smart, to give him comfort and protect him. “ Because…because I got you to look after me, and you’ve got me to look after you, and that’s why.” (p. 15). When George and Lennie arrive at the ranch, they are questioned by the boss. Lennie, being small minded, is silent. This causes George to answer for the both of them, and he emphasizes their strong work skills. This shows how far George would go to protect Lennie. “Guys like us, that work on ranches, are the loneliest guys in the world. They got no family. They don’t belong no place. . . . With us it ain’t …show more content…

Starting from the beginning when George and Lennie run away from Weed to avoid the consequences that Lennie caused by touching the girl in the red dress and is accused for rape. "We run. They was lookin' for us, but they didn't catch us.” (p. 50). Another big problem, that sparked a chain of problems was Lennie killing George’s puppy. “God damn you. Why do you got to get killed? You ain’t so little as mice. Now I won’t get to tend the rabbits. Now he won’t let me” (p. 83). This causes Curley’s wife to see Lennie distressed and she tries to comfort him, which leads to Lennie accidentally killing her. This causes an angry mob to go after Lennie to find him and kill him. This made George realize how much destruction Lennie caused and how Lennie is holding him back from being successful in his …show more content…

When Curley’s wife sees Lennie distressed she goes in to talk to him and cheer him up. “Don’t you worry none. He was jus’ a mutt. You can get another one easy. The whole country is fulla mutts.” (p. 87) Lennie tells her that he seeks comfort by stroking soft things. Curley’s wife then offers to let Lennie stroke her hair. Things took a turn for the worst and he got to aggressive and accidentally snapped her neck and killed her. When George finds out that everybody is out to kill Lennie, he meets Lennie at the same spot they were at when the novel started. Lennie asks George is he's mad at him, he tells him he is not. George then tells Lennie the story of the farm they've always dreamed of having, and then shoots Lennie and kills him. When the others find out what happened Slim then seeks to comfort George and tells him "'Never you mind,' said Slim. 'A guy got to sometimes.’" (p.

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