Reflection Paper On International Business

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Reflective writing
I found this topic so interesting and motivating and I believe that I got some new knowledge and skills after attended this assignment topic. My experience has been successfully expanded as a result of attending classes, to include global approach to the international business. I found out that practice for international business has become little bit complicated due to influence of globalization. I updated my knowledge and skills in such area of international business our group found out during the international business classes that the rules of business for import and export as well as for domestic have been changed because of present opportunity and threats globalization. I understood that import and export of goods and products are more competitive due to force of advancement, technology, and the role of internet increasing day by day in private and professional lives of people. …show more content…

And also it makes a good relationship between two countries. I know about the culture and people of other countries and also about that demand their desire. And just because of this people demand every businesses wants to supply their products and services to the other countries. I also know about that through this assignment most of the countries members of different free trade agreement. Trading blocs is group of countries within geographical region that protect themselves from imports from non-members. So that one is the most important knowledge I got through this assignment which helps me in my future to do something new. I also found that new product development for international business is more challenging against the competitor. Because product life cycle was found to be shorter in international market due to increase level of competition. Moreover during the assignment work I never knew that cultural issue were to important in international

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