Reflection On The Brock Haywood Scholarship

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I first applied to the Brock Haywood scholarship in 2014. This was the first year I competed in reining or any other kind of horse show. I was encouraged by my trainer at the time, Sharon Davis, to apply to the scholarship and it was one of the best decisions I have ever made. The requirements pushed me past my “comfort zone” of being a bystander and allowed me to enter the reining community. I did gates for some classes and was able to put some names to familiar faces and come to understand and concur the nerves of the warm up pen. The last volunteering, I did was to assistant scribe. I loved it. I was able to see what the judge was seeing understand what components were most important to them. After the 2014 show season was over I continued to volunteer with the organization. Over next two years I graduated to a scribe and helped out in multiple areas of the horse show like announcing warm-ups and setting up for cook outs. Brock’s story inspired me to be supportive and more active with other youth members whether that was congratulated them for a nice ride or wishing them luck for next one. Through this I have made some lifelong friends and I am forever grateful for that. …show more content…

I could finish for the year with Sedona and go off to college in the fall or I could commute to community college and be able purchase a new horse well retiring Sedona. Quickly a decision was made and a horse named Bunny came into my life. I can say I do not regret it one bit, I simply could not imagine not having reining be a part of my life. With Bunny new struggles came and we overcome some obstacles over the last year but I could not be happier with how things

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