Red Blood Chemistry Screen Research Paper

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A blood chemistry screen (test) provides vital information about your blood; it measures the levels of several substances in your blood. It most importantly provides your doctor with information about you general health, and helps identify certain problems with your body. The basic chemical elements in your blood are: Hydrogen, Oxygen, Iron, Calcium, Chloride, Potassium, and Sodium. Iron is bound to 70% of hemoglobin (red blood cells), and the rest is bound to other proteins in the body or stored in other body tissues. When your red blood cells die, iron is released and carried by transferring the iron to bone marrow and other vital organs. The source of all the iron that you receive is in the food that you eat. The body needs …show more content…

There are many forms that smog continues to plague us in whether in the photochemical in the form of light radiation or nuclear waste causing an irregular imbalance of radiation in the air. Smog is not a baseless threat, however, breathing this smog in can cause multiple issues with your respiratory system including coughing, wheezing, substernal soreness, pharyngitis, and dyspnea along with a permanent reduction in lung function. Not only does smog have several effects on your body, it can also not as be prevalent because it exists in several …show more content…

Nuclear implications on the air have created some pretty crazy incidents like the Chernobyl incident in 1986 and the Japanese nuclear meltdown which blew air all the way towards California causing some radiation sick for both the American and Japanese nationalities. Each of these incidents were somewhat contained until the radiation leaked into the air causing this hazy smog that killed many people by mutating their already burnt skin into toxic waste which further leaked into these person's skins and caused septic bloodlines. The uncovering of the core of a nuclear reactor is part of the reason for such a disaster due to the core being heated as such a high temperature then rapidly oxidizing its contents through being exposed to the much cooler air. Nuclear meltdown into smog kind of works like a weather front in this way in which the polluted hot air is pushed down the cold heavy air. On the topic of these weather fronts, systems all over the world can carry over the heavily damaging air from places like Fukushima, Japan to Los Angeles, California. With each disaster, our society continues to advance ways in containing smog by simply making new procedures in the amount of emissions our fossil fuel and nuclear plants can make. Even light emissions are being

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