Reasons For Abigail Williams To Blame For The Crucible

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Abigail Williams is to be blamed for everything that happened in the Crucible. Whenever something bad was happening she was there in the middle of it. Even if the situation had nothing to do with her she would make it about her somehow.
They play started out with the girls in the woods with Tituba and they weren't really doing any harm until Abigail got naked and wiped blood on her face. Then and only then did they suspect Witchcraft. Abigail of course acted like what they were doing was nothing “We did dance, uncle, and when you leaped out of the bush so suddenly, Betty was frightened and then she fainted. And there’s the whole of it” (Act I) “ But we never conjured spirits.” (Act I) which caused problems. Her saying those things made them blame everything on tituba and beat her and yell at her. Then when Tituba confessed and they were treating her well Abigail thought if she confessed she would get some glory out of it. So she yelled out a bunch of names of people “she saw with the devil” which only made …show more content…

It is also a person who is tricked or duped. Abigail is obviously not a victim of her society since she is the one causing all of the problems.
Nothing happened in this play that would make anyone feel sorry for Abigail in any way, shape, or form. She acted like she was the victim but she never really was because everything she was doing and saying was all fake. She just wanted other people to get blamed and punished for things they didn’t do because that is how cruel she is. She did not care who got blamed for what as long as she was innocent and nothing would happen to her.
In conclusion Abigail is the problem in the play The Crucible and I believe that if she wasn’t in it they wouldn’t have had half the problems they did. She caused almost every single bad thing that happened in the play. She is a terrible, mean, rotten person who I believe should have

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