Raymond's Run All American Slurp

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Theme Paragraph- Raymond’s Run & All American Slurp By: Adrianna DaSilva Task: What Impact does the theme of the story have on the lives of the main characters? In the short story “Raymond’s Run” the theme of the text relates to what both characters desire, the Lin daughter, & Squeaky. In Raymond’s Run the theme is that how you act affects other’s impressions of you. In Raymond’s Run, Squeaky, or Hazel Elizabeth Deborah Parker, has a immense responsibility which is her older brother Raymond. Raymond needs a some assistance with things because he has special needs. A lot of people have rude commentary regarding him, and so Squeaky, being his personal caretaker, and “protector” can get defensive when it comes to those smart mouths. Due to her personality, with an overwhelming amount of defensiveness, she has no true friends. Though what she really desires in life is those kinds of friends. While in “All American Slurp”, is Ms. Lin, a young girl who just eimmigrated from China to America with her family,. She is having trouble fitting in with the new culture around her. The Chinese customs and etiquette she knows differ than that of an Americans. For example slurping soup in a elegant restaurant, eating chicken gizzards and apparel. …show more content…

Once both characters can succeed in learning the moral, how actions make others see you, the value and ways of friendship, they can finally reach their goal in being accepted as ordinary people, not a misfit or a bully, a worthy, respected

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