Raskolnikov's Suffering

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Fyodor Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment is a story about a man, Raskolnikov, committing a crime and his journey towards confession. Raskolnikov suffers greatly throughout the novel due to this crime. Although the story focuses on the suffering of Raskolnikov, all the characters seem to suffer in some way or another. If they are not suffering, then they are causing another person harm in one way or another. Some prime examples of sufferers in the novel are Raskolnikov, Sonia, Dounia, Pulcheria, and Svidrigailov. They all suffer a great deal in their own way; some of which is brought on by themselves, and some that is intended to benefit others.
Raskolnikov is forced to suffer throughout the entire novel, but he also causes a lot of suffering. He causes pain to many who care for him greatly such as Dounia and Pulcheria, although it is unintentional. It is simply due to his lack of patience, understanding, and sanity. Likewise, his own …show more content…

Raskolnikov and Svidrigailov suffer for their bad decisions; however, Pulcheria, Dounia and Sonia all suffer either by attempting to help others or simply by worrying about Raskolnikov. It is difficult to say who suffers most because all of their suffering is different and some is deserved. Raskolnikov suffers through his guilt and disappointment at failing his superior man theory for the whole novel. Svidrigailov suffers so much, he ends his own life to escape the suffering. Pulcheria grievs over her son’s absence to the point where she becomes deathly ill. Although Sonia and Dounia never contemplate suicide, they both have their fair share of suffering. Sonia becomes a prostitute to help her family and then decides to stay with Raskolnikov for his entire stay in prison. Dounia nearly marries Luzhin for Raskolnikov and is forced to deal with Svidrigailov’s insanity. They all have their problems that they deal with, so it is impossible to measure their individual

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