Random Act Of Kindness Definition

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Have you ever accomplished a random act of kindness from a stranger or anyone you know? Do you recall how it made you feel when they do something nice and kind for you? I have and it feels awesome that someone helps you to do stuff or make you smile. The feeling you get when people doing random act of kindness for you is noting compare to you doing random act of kindness for them. It is like the best feeling that anyone can have. I like to make people smile I am not sure about others but if I am able to just make someone smile just a little bit, the feeling inside me just explodes like a bomb full of happiness. Everyone has the power to change someone’s life for the better in practicing a random act of kindness as I have mention earlier. …show more content…

It brings me joy that I can do or give something to others. Because so far in my life I have always been the guy that keeps on taking and taking and never return the favor. After doing something nice for random people, it really feels good inside. I am not the only one that feels good but also the person that is receiving the kindness will also feels the same. Once you start you just can’t stop its very addictive and makes you want to do more. On the plus side, doing random acts of kindness brings us up to another level which allows us to receive and give more love, compassion and kindness that will keep or heart and eyes lifted. Doing kindness for people it is like a blessing from above. You feel lighter and stronger at the same time it builds up your mentality to make you a better person. Like when I hug those random people that I mention earlier, one man between his 60s after hugging me told me that I was incredibly sweet and that touched my heart. I remembered his name was Edward. He owns a company and for the mean time his taking a break from

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