Radish Seeds Lab Report

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Validity: The experiment was valid since it tested the aim which was to demonstrate the effect of the environment on phenotype utilising radish seeds and comparing their height in different environmental conditions. The aim was tested as the amount of light was changed, three were put in the shade and the other three in direct sunlight and their heights were recorded. Further, the experiment was valid as it tested the hypothesis which was: radish seeds placed in the shade will be taller than the radish seeds placed in direct sunlight, it was looking at the height of the plants in the shade and the height of the plants in direct sunlight, however, it was proven to be wrong since at the end of the experiment the plants in shade were shorter than the ones in direct sunlight. Also, the variables were controlled such as …show more content…

Further, there was a control variable which also made it valid, the control variable for the plants in shade were the plants in direct sunlight and vice versa. However, the experiment was not valid as certain variables for instance the amount of soil put in each pot was not measured, therefore this could have altered the results since if it had a lot of soil it would have had more room to grow its roots down in the pot whereas another plant with less soil inside the pot would have had less space to grow its roots down the soil. Another variable that was not kept controlled was the covering of the seeds with soil, the holes had the same depth but when covering them more soil could have been put on some seeds more than others, therefore, the ones with less soil germinated first than the ones with more soil on. Another variable that was not controlled and made the experiment invalid was amount of wind received by the plants in direct sunlight and the ones

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