Racial Disparity In Health Care

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Recently, significant attention has focused on racial disparities in health care and health status in the medical community. Epidemiology and risk distribution are important for a wholesome medical education, and risk distribution by race can inform a clinician's diagnosis. However, when health care professionals identify race as a risk factor for certain diseases, that information may be disingenuous if the authors misperceive race with income, education, or behavior. In other words, many other factors besides race affect disease prediction, and are, in some cases, stronger predictors of disease and disease outcomes. In a study done by Sheets et al., evaluating the “validity of attributing race as a risk factor in a widely used pathology book… …show more content…

Physicians routinely make crucial decisions about medical care for patients whose lives hang in the balance. In the face of such high stakes, it may be surprising to think that automatic associations can unknowingly bias professional decision-making. One study compared implicit racial bias between White American doctors and Black American doctors and found that “African American doctors, on average, did not show an implicit preference for either Blacks or Whites…” The implicit racial biases of White physicians also seem to play a role in predicting how positively or negatively Black patients respond to the medical interaction (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19648715) (Penner, Dovidio, West, Gaertner, Albrecht, Daily, & Markova, 2010), (Penner, L., Dovidio, J., West, T., Gaertner, S., Albrecht, T., Dailey, R., & Markova, T. (2010). Aversive racism and medical interactions with Black patients: A field study- Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 46, 436-440). Organizations can do many things like providing training implicit bias and diversity; seek to identify consciously the differences between different groups and individuals; and increasing emphasis on the education of social issues such as stereotyping and …show more content…

Most health care plans do not collect socioeconomic or racial/ethnic data on their plan members. The recognition of disparities in health care as a quality issue has far-reaching implications for reducing socioeconomic and racial/ethnic disparities in health care. It is difficult to isolate racial/ethnic disparities in health care due to socioeconomic disparities because race and socioeconomic position are so closely intertwined, especially in the United States. However, socioeconomic position appears to be the more powerful determinant of health, as mentioned above. Fiscella et al. proposed five principles for addressing disparities, some of which were- 1) “disparities must be recognized as a significant quality problem”; and 2) “an approach to disparities should account for the relationships between both socioeconomic position and race/ethnicity and morbidity. Consideration should be given to linking reimbursement to the socioeconomic position and racial/ethnicity composition of the enrolled population.”

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