Quotes From Shameless

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Shameless The show Shameless is about a dysfunctional family belonging to Frank Gallagher who is a single father of six. Frank Gallagher is an alcoholic and drug addict that has left his family no choice, but to learn how to take care of themselves. The family is a low class caucasian family that has been taught to steal and lie for a living. Fiona the oldest child being the age of 25, is a highschool dropout that has learned how to take care of her siblings like a mother. When her father is out getting drunk at the bar and causing problems for everyone, it’s Fiona to the rescue to try and fix the problems that her deadbeat father has caused for the family. The family has been through alot, but they all stick together and have eachothers …show more content…

Ian is a character that goes through a lot because he has a bipolar disorder like his mother and because he is hiding the fact that he is gay. It’s not until later in the show when Ian comes out and has a boyfriend whose father is most definitely against gay people, which only makes things worse. Ian not only has to deal with himself and his relationship, but also his boyfriend’s dad. Ian's family has accepted him for who he is, but his boyfriend's father tries to “beat the gay out of them both” which clearly didn’t work, because they love each other too …show more content…

The characters are almost always a mess, they’re not the perfect average family that you would normally see on television. Fiona almost always has messy hair, because she's always so busy with the kids and the house, she’ll sometimes even re wear dirty clothes because she didn’t have time to wash them or money to get a new washing machine. The characters are pretty realistic looking, no makeup, no models and it is shown when they need to use the bathroom or take a shower or eat. Music is played in the background, when something dramatic is happening. Although the family is a crazy mess, the audience feels comfortable when watching the show because they can predict what Frank will do next or who’s going to get in trouble or how things will happen. The show is rated MA for mature audiences, due to sex/nudity, violence/gore, a lot of profanity, alcohol/drugs and fighting/intense scenes. The show attracts a lot of viewers because as mentioned before, it’s something that isn’t usually seen in most people's lives on a daily basis as well as the wide range of ages with the characters on the

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