Puerto Rican Non-Verbal Communication

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Communication between human can be divided into two types, verbal and non-verbal. Verbal communication is communication based on the words. Because there is no such thing as a Puerto Rican language, official languages in this country are Spanish and English, with the proviso that the first one is the primary language used both in families and in formal situations. Therefore, it often happens that even after arriving in the US, Puerto Ricans English is less fluent. Sometimes that equal fluency in both languages reaches new generation. Therefore, the Puerto Ricans created their own language called "Spanglish." In verbal communication, the way in which people speak words is just as important as these words. The parlance of Puerto Ricans, both in Spanish and English is characterized by melodiousness, stridency and fast rhythm, which can be confusing for the recipient. …show more content…

They indicate the basic emotional states, intentions, expectations of the caller, social status, origin, education, self-esteem, qualities of temperament and so on. These messages are transmitted and received mostly on an unconscious level, but can also be transmitted and received consciously, like most gestures - emblems or multiple facial expressions. In dealing with Puerto Ricans, the interlocutor should pay attention to physical appearance because it might provide guidance for conversation, like the dress in black indicates a death in the family and mourning. Commonly accepted is touching each other, and among friends and relatives is the custom of kissing on both cheeks. The older generation of Puerto Ricans to show respect caller do not look straight in the other eyes. It should also be noted that within this group there does not exist observance of punctuality which should not be regarded as a lack of

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