Prospective Memory

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Every day, people rely on prospective memory our ability to remember to perform a future action to carry out numerous tasks. Prospective memory is a form of memory that involves remembering to perform a planned action or intention at some future point in time. The prospective memory questionnaire (Hannon, Adams, Harrington, Fries-Dias, & Gibson, 1995) was our first survey that we gave. The second survey that we created was focused on drug and alcohol. The purpose of the study was to explore links between drug and alcohol use and prospective memory. The big goal of the study is to show that drug and alcohol use will cause a negative effect towards your prospective memory. My predictions for the study are that negative effects will hurt your …show more content…

Fewer studies have used more objective lab-based measures to assess prospective memory in substance users, but a similar picture of prospective memory impairment has emerged from users of cannabis, alcohol, methamphetamine, and ecstasy. Terrett et al. (2014) found the relationship between prospective memory and opiate users, which proved that, were impaired on the measure of inhibition and showed a trend towards impairment in cognitive flexibility compared with controls, but no difference was observed on the measure of verbal fluency One study on prospective memory (Bartholomew, Holroyd, & Hefferman, 2010) study was to examine prospective memory impairments associated with cannabis use in young adults. They compared users and non-users on both self- reported prospective memory failures and on an objective video-based prospective memory task. The results obtained revealed that after controlling for extraneous variables that there were no differences. However, cannabis users correctly recalled significantly less location–action combinations than non-users during the objectively measured video-based prospective memory task. Ciorciari & Marotte (2011) found that users of MDMA and cannabis did not show any significant differences in overall reported prospective memory …show more content…

The purpose of the study was also on the consent form. For a full version of our survey, please see the Appendix. The first survey we used was a Prospective Memory from Hannon, Adams, Harrington, Fries-Dias, & Gibson, 1995. The second survey included 28 questions with a variety of demographic, social, drug, and alcohol questions. The survey also included a few questions that were reverse-scored questions. Each survey was a Likert scale. The participants were asked to select the number along the scale that most closely describes them or their

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