Pros And Justifications Of The T4 Program

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The first program created was the T4 program. The T4 program was set up in order to quickly and efficiently euthanize the both developmentally and physically disabled. The Germans believed, them to be inferior to the general Arian population and could, therefore, be deprived of life.
The Germans had two justifications for this program. One justification was that of mercy. This justification stripped the condemned, of their “inherent dignity,” since they are being treated as animals instead of human beings.
The other justification for the T4 program was of cost effectiveness. It was presented as a way of protecting German Pensioners. They were told, that these two populations were a drain on societies recourses, and the cost of lifetime care would come out of their pensions. This justification, further stripped the condemned, of any remaining shred of “inherent dignity.” If the state believed otherwise, they would not have carried out a program of mass euthanasia, as a way to save money on the cost of lifetime care.
The Germans also carried out a program of mass genocide, known as the final solution. The …show more content…

Retribution is often commonly misunderstood as revenge. Retribution means that the punishment fits the crime. This means that the severity of the punishment fits the severity of the crime committed. Therefore, the most heinous crimes warrants the most severe punishment. The problem with this argument is that death penalty, no longer resembles a judicial execution. The death penalty, by design is so sterile and clinical, it no longer looks or feels like an execution. Further, by focusing on providing the condemned, with a quick and painless death, instead of punishing a heinous crime, the death penalty cannot serve as retribution. Therefore, the state is no longer conducting the deprivation of life, pursuant to prong one of its police

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