Pros And Cons Of Lockers Essay

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Life for a teenager in high school is all the more stressful when you are required to lug around pounds of heavy books and supplies. Not only do students suffer from neck and back pain, but they also have to remember to pack the correct supplies for each day. This issue can simply be eliminated by allowing the use of lockers in educational institutions. Unfortunately, many schools have lost such privilege due to inappropriate usage. Several years ago, many school districts banned the use of lockers in fear that they could provide a ‘hiding place’ for weapons and drugs. Since then, parents and students have complained about physical hardships caused by carrying heavy bags around campus. However, while there are cons of using lockers in schools, Now imagine yourself as a student who is able to leave their copious amounts of textbooks and papers in their locker. Nice, right? At least until your neighbor pulls a gun out of their own locker and threatens you. Or, until your friend brings you over to their locker, takes out drugs from behind their books, and you end up getting caught with it. “These days with school shootings, gang influence and drugs, administrators have become more and more concerned that students are hiding more than just cherry bombs and cigarettes in their lockers. Guns, heavy drugs and other harmful things can be easily hidden inside.” says an article on This matter is no joke. In fact, incidents with students bringing weapons to school has been happening for over two decades! On December 15, 1992 in Philadelphia, a loaded gun was found in a high school student’s locker. According to school statistics, 40 guns, 134 knives, and 34 other weapons were found at high schools around the United States in the year of 1991. Aside from the dangers of weapons that could be hidden in lockers, many schools these days have to be stricter with their budget than they used to. This means cutting down on things they don’t deem necessary -- such as extracurricular activities, additional electives, updated technology, and of course,

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