Pros And Cons Of Genetic Modification

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Genetic modification always has such an imposing tone, like an army of super soldiers or an unstoppable Doomsday virus. This could seem to be a problem for future generations. But, with the new discovery of Crispr, genetic modification is closer than ever. If a child is sick with an easily curable disease, is it not our duty to cure them, save them from a life of suffering, and give them a life where they are a normal, healthy human child? Or, should we condemn our children to having preventable diseases? But then, evil governments will create an army of super soldiers? The answer is that the technology to add and remove genetic material is already here. Either way, honestly, will outlaw genetic modification truly stop the lawless, unmoral North Korea is already working on Nuclear weapons that can destroy cities at the push of a button. Will they honestly not jump at the chance to create a new weapon to take warfare to the next level and become an instant superpower? But, the question is: does the reward truly outweigh the cost? Genetic modification, once accepted, will cause problems in many cases. An example would be when to stop modifying genes. Will there be prejudice against those genetically modified or against those who were not? Will there be actual super soldier armies running the world? Would people be genetically engineered for specific jobs and forced to work the jobs they’re made for? Will genetic engineering cause new diseases, decrease immunities, cause new disorders, or fundamentally change what it means to be a human being? Will we as a people be no longer made in “the image of God” if we proceed? Probably the most

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