Pros And Cons Of Deforestation In The Amazon

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Deforestation is the action of clearing or cutting down trees in order to create space. However, we know deforestation more as the commercial business of cutting down or damaging ecosystems in order for commercial benefit. Throughout the world, the Amazon is the largest ecosystem affected by deforestation every year. The controversy is whether the financial gain from deforestation is worth the horrible effects it creates. (Driscoll and Flynn 1). On average 18 million acres of forest are lost every year due to deforestation. That’s 49,315 acres per day, 2,054 acres per hour, 34 acres per minute and .5 acres per second. If we continue at this rate there will be no rainforest throughout the world within a hundred years. Deforestation results …show more content…

This is when rainforests, which are homes to hundreds and even thousands of different animals, are destroyed for economical purposes. Researchers studying plants and animals have determined that deforestation plays the largest role in damaging our environment. One place in the world that is hit the hardest by deforestation every year is the Amazon rainforests. The amazon is home to 10% of all the world’s plants and animals. It is often named as the center of biodiversity in the world. Writers from state that “within a hundred years rainforests will have gone extinct from deforestation” ( As I stated in my introduction the deforestation rate in the Amazon is around .5 acres per second. Writers from deforestation in the rainforest state, “ Deforestation may be damaging to the ecosystem, but the financial gain it provides far outweighs the disadvantages.” On average companies only use the land from deforestation for a couple years until the land has been stripped of its nutrients. Where as the revenue from tourism alone in the amazon during 2017 was 177.87 billion dollars. Although companies advocate for deforestation saying it will help improve the economy and daily life, tourism is the number one source of income in many South American countries. By removing the amazon and ending tourism here you are lowering the Income per capita, so is this really financial

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