Pros And Cons Of Compromise

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Decisions are difficult, especially between two opposing parties determined to get their way. Most likely, some sort of agreement called a compromise is reached. Compromise, a seemingly perfect concept, can be an essential part of success as it resolves conflicts on both an international or personal level and benefits both sides of any argument. However, if this tool is used incorrectly by means of overuse, underuse, or simply wrong timing, that perfection turns into detriment. Compromise is an almost perfect concept, mutual agreements between two or more sides that can benefit all perspectives. It seems almost too idealistic and yet, it is a daily occurrence all over the globe. Without it, the world may have been thrust into anarchy filled with …show more content…

No matter the problem, compromise usually finds itself solving it. In American history, the Connecticut Compromise is an example of how compromise kept the country from falling into more conflict and confusion that they were already trapped in at the time. There were two plans for the layout of the legislative branch, the New Jersey and Virginia Plans. One favored smaller states by giving each state equal voted and the other favored big states by basing voted on population. At the Constitutional Convention, Roger Sherman proposed the Connecticut Compromise which incorporated both plans by creating a bicameral Congress with one chamber giving two votes to each state and the other basing on population. While the plan did seem to favor the bigger states, the members of the Convention seemed to agree to it and Congress has been using this format to this day. Without it, who knows how bills would be made into laws today or if we would even have a legislative branch. It was thanks to a compromise that America has what it has

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