Pros And Cons Of A Utopia Dystopia

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Utopia Dystopia

Many articles and novels challenges the idea about a utopia. Although everyone lives in a futuristic restricted lifestyle, there are some people who can’t handle that way of life. There are many arguments about utopias, whether or not they can exist or not. Three reasons why utopias can’t exist is that there is no way a perfect society can be achieved, utopias degrade over time from their decisions, and that there are hazards living in a utopia.
First of all, perfect society always looks good to any human eye, but in reality, there is no way it can be achieved. According to the article “Want to Escape the Modern World? ‘Utopias’ That Really Exist” states “Life here isn’t perfect here. There’s no grocery store, no restaurants, no hospital nearby…” To explain, the resident tells how it can’t be perfect because of its dangerous way of life, and because people can’t live the luxurys of the real world. The article states itself when it says “”The criticism of utopia is that it’s impossible to achieve perfection, so why try?” J.C Hallman” …show more content…

According to the article, “4 Utopian Communities That Didn’t Pan Out.” The 4 communities where ruined by their decisions. It states that the Brook Farm got hit with smallpox then a fire because of Ripley's unpopular Fourierism movements that made residents leave. Fruitlands got malnourished and sick because of there strict diet. The Shakers were forced to close because the younger members left and older ones died off. Finally, Pullman’s Capitalist Utopia shut down because Pullman began demanding more rent. From these examples, they all ended up leaving

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