Pros And Cons Of A Dystopian Society

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A dystopian society is should not be a good thing. People believe that a dystopian society can be good, but a dystopian society is mostly about controlling. This dystopian societies can also be described as utopian societies. It's where they hold many desires, and ideas of perfection. Even though everyone is the same and treated the same, why you be like everyone else? The reasons that a dystopian society is not a good thing is because everyone are treated the same, everyone is controlled by one leader, and also because there is not freedom of any kind. A reason that a dystopian society is not good is because everyone is treated equally. Sure it's good to be treated the same but doing the same thing like everyone else, it's not. In the story of "Harrison Bergeron" by Kurt Vonnegut Jr. in lines 1-8, "Nobody was smarter than anyone else. Nobody was better looking than anyone else. Nobody was stronger or quicker than anyone else." These lines say that they were a dystopian society where everyone would think and do the same. Nobody was allowed to be better, quicker, …show more content…

In a documentary video “Inside undercover in North Korea” by Lisa Ling, the leader of North Korea, which was a dictatorship, was treated like a god. Even though they are isolated by everyone outside of the country, they believe that their leader is their savior and that without the leader with them they can't survive. When they are born they are trained to love their leader without any judgments or any concerns about it. That way North Korea are easily influenced to do what the leaders says to. Just like in the story “Harrison Bergeron”, the society is controlled by the Constitution and also by the United States Handicapper General. They believe that everyone should be equal and nobody should have any higher quality. These societies are a utopian society. These two societies are holding ideas of a perfect

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