Progressive Romanticism And William Wordsworth's Poetry Of Progressive Romanticism

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Progressive Romanticism What changed? In a world where knowledge was championed, writers rose up in rebellion against the ideals of The Enlightenment and the Industrial Revolution. The Enlightenment was an era of time in the 18th century that focused on the power of the mind and logical thinking putting imagination and freedom on the backburner so to speak. The Romantic era rose in the late 18th century and continued throughout the 19th century as a way to battle Enlightenment thinking and return to a simpler, purer, view of the world. The Romantic era in England started around the year 1798 and continued to the mid-1800. When you hear romantic what pops into your head? Do you think of love? This era had nothing to do with love. When it …show more content…

His poems bring out the need for the child to be taught properly in childhood because it is the basis for adulthood. The child’s connection to nature is something that gets lost in the transition to adulthood. Wordsworth’s Intimations of Immortality helps us to see the distance between what adulthood is compared to that of what being a child is. The speaker brings out that “The things which I have seen I now can see no more.” The speaker is telling us the perception of the child is vastly different than that of an adult. So Wordsworth was trying to appeal to the people’s sense of wanting to return to their childhood. He was them to understand that children be allowed to be children and not put the worries of this world on them. Childhood is sacred and if treated as such the world would be vastly different because, “The Child is the father of the …show more content…

Romanic poetry often had an awe inspiring view of nature. Blake’s poetry presents in inequality in London which was a place of unfairness. His poetry about child labor in London shows the unfairness of his society. However, later in his poems the urbanized world became a hopeful place for him. His poetry presented the city in a way that leads his poems main character to and enlightened state. The city became a place of parallels. One side presents it as a sorrowful place the exploits the people within. The other side presents it in a beautiful way that people are enlightened by the strength of people and the world

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