Professional Athletes Should Get Paid So Much Essay

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Professional sports teams have a whole economic system within them. Sports produce so much money off of their athletes and the games that they have to keep up with what the people want, so that they will continue to have money coming in. Sports provide temporary stress relief for a lot of people who watch sports. People love sports so much that they are willing to spend allot of money on them. Most people who aren’t able to actually fly out and watch sports watch them on television. Other people actually pay to go to games, and sometimes fly out to games far away from home. This shows how much people love games. People love games enough to spend a lot of money just to watch them. People of course expect to see a good game, and that’s why they pay to see elite athletes. …show more content…

This causes more problems for the poor people in certain areas. This causes more problems for the poor because they are displaced, and property values are also raised by a large amount. Since property values are raised, low cost housing is also reduced (Eitzen, 1996). This makes low-income people and family’s life more difficult because they are limited opportunities on a place to live that is within their budget. Cities have different options on the payment of professional teams. Professional teams can get paid by the public, have city ownership, and they can also get out of the professional team business (Eitzen, 1996). If cities decided to get out of the professional team business, they would be safe from the negative effects of stadiums and arenas being built (Eitzen, 1996). New arenas and stadiums may bring in a lot of money for the teams and owners, but it causes a lot of issues for communities and poor people. Not only does it take money away from the poor but it also takes allot of money away from the children who need more school supplies because money is taken away from the schools in

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