Pro Life Research Paper

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Abortion is on the brink of becoming one of the most debatable subjects of controversy in the United States, alongside race and war. It is an argument where integrity, law, and emotions clasp. Abortion constitutes a social, moral, and medical dilemma that affects people and makes our country turn into an emotional and vicious atmosphere. People have many views on abortion but the two variations are “pro-life” and “pro-choice”. Someone that is pro-life believes that the fetus is alive; they believe that it is considered murder and that there is a moral responsibility. They truly believe the unborn child has constitutional rights. Someone that is pro-choice believes that the mother should be able to make the decision of abortion with no interference from the state. The unborn child has no rights as a human, since it is not technically living and breathing outside of the uterus. According to …show more content…

Wade came into effect on January 22, 1973, which gave women constitutional rights to make her own medical decisions without interference from politicians. This gave women the right to have abortions legally. There are many laws that do interfere with this though, including a law in Tennessee that gives a misdemeanor for smoking or drinking while evidently pregnant. There are many things frowned upon while pregnant, but abortion is believed to be a “normal” procedure from a woman’s choice. If a person were to kill someone and later find out the person murdered was pregnant, the defendant would be trialed for two murders. There are a lot of gray areas when it comes to abortion. Webster Dictionary defines murder as the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another. They also define a human being as a man, woman, or child of the species Homo sapiens. At 25 weeks, the fetus is capable of living outside of the womb normally. Is this considered a human being? Many facts have shown this to be true. It basically comes down to a persons beliefs and their

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