Prince Prospero

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In his short story "Masque of the Red Death" Edgar Allan Poe made sure to tell about the seven solid colors rooms being listed as if the order as important of the disease outside of the massive castle. These rooms were listed as followed blue, purple, green, orange, white, violet, and finally a black room with emphasized on it having blood red windows. With Edgar Allan Poe is being so infatuated with death, I believe that these rooms are stages to move toward the Prince Prospero and his participants untimely death.
As people were dropping like flies’ cause of the red death plague, people were frightened of even their own family as they themselves could have been infected. But as people were being wary of others, someone took this to the …show more content…

Orange portray Adulthood, orange is defined with these positive connotations of sociable and optimistic and negative is superficial and insincere, with my theory you are very optimistic about starting your life as an adult and very sociable with others and optimistic, in the story Prince Prospero is very insincere about his people just locking up himself while they died. White Old age, white has the positive meaning of innocents and purity, and the negative meaning of white is stark and fastidious. Violet imminent Death has a positive connotation and negative connotation of purple, so we would just refer back to the part. Black Death itself has a positive connotation of protection and comfort and negative connotation of depressing and pessimistic, this goes back to my theory of as this is a very sad and negative event, and for this story, it was the same for Prospero guest, and with the other color in the room red was the embodiment of the anger they were feeling, which cause their

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