Priestly's Presentation of The Conflict Between The Classes In This Play

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Priestly's Presentation of The Conflict Between The Classes In This Play I am writing an essay based on the title question" In what ways does Priestly present the conflict between the classes in this play "I am studying the text: "An Inspector calls" written by JB Priestly. I have organized my ideas in a detailed response. By first making a point then focusing on a quote from either of these pages: 2 and 46 and concluding with some analysis relating back to the essay question. I perceive Conflict as a disagreement, argument or battle. It can be perceived as either internal or external. Internal conflict is often conflict within an individual often emotional or turmoil, In comparison to external conflict, which is between individuals, groups or a society. Conflict is very important within a play as it depends on conflict and tension to involve it's audience, challenging and hiding their attention, because we are all experienced with some sort of tension in our lives. We are able to identify with the feelings of the characters we see before us even if the details of the situation are foreign to us. Alcohol is a theme introduced very early on in the play. Causing both internal and external conflict. Alcohol is first introduced by Birling. "Giving us the port Edna"(Pushing it to Eric) The fact that alcohol was introduced so early on in the play shows that conflict will evolve rapidly, as the characters seem to possess an honest, laid back attitude. The fact that Birling pushes it to Eric when the theme of alcohol is first introduced instantly shows the audience that Eric likes to drink. Alcohol also shows that the Birlin... ... middle of paper ... ...he Birling family had the same-blinded view on social classes. Ignorance and pettiness got in the way of fairness and blindness. Alcohol also played a part in representing the Birlings for who they are and their social status. Alcohol was introduced at the very beginning of the play instantly causing conflict in general. There was internal conflict within the family as well as external. The main character Mr. Birling caused some tension and conflict within the family because of his hardheaded business like attitude. A perfect example of this how he treated Edna. The Birling family as a whole were blinded by class and money and didn't pay enough attention to the persons true character. Overall Priestly puts across his own view of what he believed to be different social classes and how they acted toward each other.

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