Pride And Similarities Between Hector And Aeneid

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Pride is a quality that successful leaders and warriors should possess, as they need to be proud of themselves, in order to have the confidence to lead others. Both Hector and Achilles show clear signs of pride, however it’s how they let their pride control them, that sets them apart. Hector demonstrates his selfless personality when he chooses to set his pride aside, to further the advancement of the Trojans. Hector, similar to most of the men in this book, don’t appreciate being instructed, especially considering that he is the leader of the Trojans. His pride does not control him however, for when Helenos tells him, “Hector and Aeneas, you two are the mainstays of the Trojans and Lycians, for you are foremost at all times, alike in fight and counsel; hold your ground here, and go about among the host to rally them in front of the gates, or they will fling themselves into the arms of their wives, to the great joy of our foes,” he sets his pride aside and listens, as he knows that he must rally the Trojans together, in order to advance the battle and help his …show more content…

Hector’ willingness to switch up his fighting strategy, something warriors pride themselves on, demonstrates once again how he is a selfless leader, setting aside his pride to benefit his army. In comparison, when Agamemnon hurts Achilles’ pride after he steals Achilles’ girlfriend Briseis, Achilles responds by saying, “ j chb31dcbli3bci3bco1b” Achilles’ decision to leave his army, deeply hurts their chances in battle as he is considered to be the greatest warrior. It’s Achilles’ clear lack of care for his army, that exposes his selfishness. A second example of how Achilles lets his pride detriment his Achaean army, is when Odysseus, Phoinix and Aias visit Achilles, and ask him if he would be willing to return to battle, as the Achaeans were

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