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Pressure groups and democracy
Pressure groups and democracy
Pressure groups and democracy
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Pressure Groups and Their Influence on the Government
Britain is often referred to as a homogenous society as the public
tend to share similar political views. However, more recently, there
has been a decline in membership to political parties and an increase
in the membership of pressure groups. In this essay I will define
pressure groups, information surrounding such as the amount of power
they have and how effectively they can influence institutions of
A pressure group is an organised group which has as one of its
principal purposes the exercise of influence on institutions (mainly
political) in order to secure decisions favourable to the interests
the group represents or to discourage decisions from being taken which
would be unfavourable to those interests. Pressure groups also are
slightly more complex and have many different forms, statuses (within
society) and amount of influence.
Pressure groups are divided into the following sub-groups: Causal (or
promotional) groups, Sectional (or Protection) groups and also how
close they are to the government known as either Insider or Outsider
Causal groups are involved with a particular issue or issues and serve
this cause by promoting it. These groups vary in size and aims and can
be permanent (such as friends of the earth) who continually campaign
for their particular cause or can be temporary (such as CND, the
campaign for nuclear disarmament) who would disperse if their cause
was attained or irreversibly lost.
Sectional groups represent and further the interests of a particular
part of society and as a result the members of these groups are more
... middle of paper ...
... and unorganised. The groups themselves may not be representative of
their members as many members' views are ignored if they don't comply
with the ideologies of the leaders or decision makers of that group.
The methods of influence some groups use increase social discontent
and political instability by intensifying social frustration and
injustice felt by certain sections of the population. This can ignore
the good of the whole of the community and this kind of civil
disobedience can't be justified in today's democratic system.
In conclusion, pressure groups can both detract from and strengthen
democracy to a certain extent. Pressure groups are an essential
dimension of any democracy, yet they can endanger it if sectional
groups undermine the public interest or if the methods they use are
corrupt or intimidating.
Essentially, interest groups use many different tactics to accomplish their central goals but this paper will detail 2 of them. The first being lobbying, which is the act of persuading businesses as well as government leaders to help a specific organization by changing laws or creating events in favor of that group. Interest groups use this technique by hiring someone to represent them and advocate their cause to on the behalf of the entire group. These hired representatives usually have more than enough experience within the political field and are able to persuade connections within the government for help with their concerns. This method gets a lot of criticism because although lobbyist offer their input to government officials on pending laws, they only look at what is favorable for their cause. When trying to make a difference you have to not only reflect on your argument but on the side affects of that argument as
Existing within the movement must be a leader or leaders, as well as a large number of committed followers or members. Additionally, social movements have “organizations or coalitions” working as a guiding backbone for collectivity and regulation (Stewart,
Politics is defined as “the way people decide who gets what, when, where, how, and why—without resorting to violence” (McDonough 20). The author asserts that politics is the alternative pathway for a society to make decisions besides choosing violent means to go about doing so. Instead of using force, politicians use words and the method of persuasion in order to get what they want. When a society has a group of people who feel they are not fairly represented by their elected officials, they will often turn to violence in order to implement changes to the political process that will put in place the rules and regulations they are seeking.
Political systems within the United States work together to establish laws and create boundaries for their people. Government officials work with the Senate in Congress to help establish regulations not only for the American people but also for corporations in order to not become monopolies in today’s market. This all corresponds to a legislative process in order for Congress to have a clear idea of passing effective laws that help reinforce results within our society. Members of Congress and political affiliations are impacted by representatives from large business corporations through the process of bribing these government officials into supporting the ideas and desires of these corporations. In order for this to occur, these companies engage in lobbying. Lobbying is the attempt to influence government officials in decision making processes or swaying the government by employing tactics through various agreements in the form of verbal or written statements to public officials in Congress. This usually occurs through donations of large amounts of money to members of Congress as a way of bribing them to support the representatives of these corporations. Therefore, corporations have widely influenced Congress, making it difficult to pass laws and bills that are not in favor of these corporations. Thus, lobbying is influenced by money and promotes the interests of these specific corporations.
Public policy is the course of actions taken by the government that includes laws, plans, actions and the behavior of the government. The most effective way to influence public policy would be to lobby for the interest group that supports the problem that needs to be addressed by society and the government. Interest groups are organizations of people with shared goals to influence specific public policies, such as the National Rifle Association wanting to protect gun rights. The representatives for these particular interest groups are called lobbyists, whom are registered to inform the Clerk of the House and the Secretary of the Senate of the issue or laws being addressed, what agencies/branches of the government are being contacted, and the amount of money being spent on these issues. They can also represent private individuals or the general public. The word itself implies that lobbyists are the ones who directly contact the lawmakers of congress or other government officials, while making indirect contact through raising awareness in their communities for action. In order to make change, lobbying would be most effective because they are honest and assist the government with legislations other than their own, they work hard with the community and politicians, and most importantly they are the most knowledgeable and experienced on issues and politics so that the best decisions are able to be made.
After our discussion Rick formed a meeting to begin organizing a lobby group. They created an agenda which included an invite of social service agencies to the meeting to discuss suggestions from them on how to develop a lobby group. They prepared a mission statement believing it will unite the group, as well as provide focus and draw attention to the lobby group. In this meeting the five set up an outline that involved organizing the group to address the needs of people with disabilities and how the inequality and stigma they face creates social barriers. They chose to focus on the challenges that Rick and the initial six members were experiencing which are lack funding by the government in the way of inadequate assistance for housing, personal finances and jobs. In this meeting they decided to recruit members through the local paper, the recreation center and door to door canvassing. One of the members suggested using social media and the United Way offered to help by placing a thread on their web page. The six members share their personal stories via a video on the website. The website would be filled with current information about the effects on society when there is lack of adequate resources in a city and have a discussion forum and sign up tab. They decided to take advantage of the fact an election was imminent in the next 12 months by preparing to lobby the elected representatives in their district.
Pressure Groups have become increasingly important in liberal democracies in influencing and raising awareness of their group’s particular causes or interest. This essay will assess wither or not pressure groups are more powerful than the government in Britain. To fully understand if pressure groups are more powerful than the British Government we much take into account the varying classifications of pressure groups, define what is meant by power, the different way pressure groups influence public option, the arguments for and against pressures being more powerful than the British Government and also the power government holds which pressure groups do not. The main argument of this essay is that although pressure groups do have some influence and power in today’s society but they are still not as powerful as the British Government.
The Human Rights Campaign is the largest gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender advocacy group in the nation. With over 400,000 members, the group is able to lobby very effectively in Washington and has an impressive legislative record. The HRC began in 1980 as a fund to raise money for gay-supportive congressional candidates. It was meant to be a response to the successful right-wing groups at the time, including the National Conservative Political Action Committee and Moral Majority. By 1984, the Human Rights Campaign Fund was effectively supporting congressional candidates, raising over 475,000 dollars. By 1990, the HRC had a membership of 25 thousand, and was organizing marches in the capitol. Between 1990 and the present, the Campaign grew to it’s current size nearing half of a million members, and the group’s PAC contributed over 5 million dollars to lobbying efforts. These efforts focus on four issues: First, it lobbies to increase efforts to fight HIV/AIDS. Secondly, the HRC aims to use federal legislation and workplace advocacy to combat discrimination in the workplace. Third, an effort is made to pass legislation against anti-gay hate crimes. Lastly, the Campaign works to pass legislation addressing lesbian health issues.
The “advocacy explosion” in the United States in the 20th century has been caused by the extreme increase in the number of interest groups in the United States. The general public views the increase and the groups themselves as a cancer that has come to the body of American politics and is spreading. The explosion in the number of interest groups and interest group members and finances has had an effect on the decline of the American political party and partisanship, the effect on democracy and the public interest, and the bias that has come with interest group competition.
1. What is the difference between a. How does lobbying work in government? Lobbying is an enormous business. A lobbyist is an advocate who seeks to influence members of the government (like members of Congress) to endorse legislation that would advantage their group. The lobbying occupation is a lawful and essential part of our democratic political procedure that is not extremely well implicit by the broad population.
(Turner and Killian 1987) cited in (Diani 1992, p. 4) define social movements as a “collectivity acting with some continuity to promote or resist a change in the society or organisation of which it is part. As a collectivity a movement is a group with indefinite and shifting membership and with leadership whose position is determined more by informal response of adherents than by formal procedures for legitimizing authority”. Turner and Killian regard a social movement as a peculiar kind of collective behavior that is contrasted to regularity and institutional behavior. Additionally, Turner believes that social movements do not necessarily coincide with movement organisations, although these organisations can carry out a large part of the movement tasks and it is often help to control and speak for movements (Diani 1992).
...has so much power. The findings of this research could be used by campaigners in an attempt to swing an election in their favour, creating an unfair bias in parliament and denigrating the ideals of democracy.
Grant, W. (2004) „Pressure Politics: The Changing World of Pressure Groups‟, Parliamentary Affairs, 57(2): 408-419
The group wants the individual to conform to their ideals and normative values and actions (Smelser, 1963). The group influence stresses conformity, or the adhering to the standards of the group, as a way to create a structural level of dominance and submission in a way. The group wants cohesiveness so that everyone in the group is following the same set of standards and will all act the same way (Smelser, 1963). Group influence can at times be beneficial, there are times when the individual should participate in actions that have been influenced by the group. These actions could include such things as: being polite, having table manners, using a proper greeting, doing homework, not being disrespectful in places of worship, and so forth. Group influence can
Politics is the means for attaining valued things. Although, valued things are different in every society, the means of securing those things has never changed. The competition for power, authority and influence will always be the backbone of politics. Applying power, authority and influence to the valued things that support the public good, will produce the quality of life a society desires. In the present day, citizens in the United States demand certain valued things such as welfare, education, safe streets and healthcare. Through politics, citizens can apply their power in many different ways to get the things they want. Power is the ability to get someone to do something they may or may not want to do. Through the use of or the application of coercion, persuasion, manipulation and negotiation, power is used to influence the system.