Prenatal Exposure Essay

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Effects of Prenatal Alcohol Exposure

Thousands of children are born with effects of prenatal exposure to alcohol. Alcohol is very dangerous to the child in the womb. In the U.S, prenatal exposure is the most common reason for birth defects. Alcohol during pregnancy may increase the risk of miscarriage, stillbirth, fetal alcohol syndrome, birth weight, preterm labor, and brain damage.
There are two theories as to why consuming alcohol can cause miscarriage. First, drinking alcohol very early in the pregnancy may cause chromosomal abnormalities in a fetus. Chromosomal abnormalities are one of the most common causes of miscarriages. Second, alcohol may cause prostaglandins to be released. Prostaglandins are enzymes which may play a role in labor. …show more content…

It’s when your body starts getting ready for birth too early in your pregnancy. Labor is premature if its start more than three weeks before your due. Lots of things can increase your risk of premature labor. Some of them are smoking, drinking alcohol or using street drugs during pregnancy, and lastly getting pregnant to soon after having a baby. Stop drinking is a 100% chance to prevent this from happening. Acting fast can make a difference by calling your doctor about your drinking problem. Some of the symptoms are backache, which usually will be in your lower back. This may be constant or come and go, but it won’t ease even if you change position or do something else for …show more content…

Alcohol during pregnancy may increase the risk of miscarriage, stillbirth, fetal alcohol syndrome, birth weight, preterm labor, and brain damage. Having a miscarriage, is very much preventable and during the first two trimester is very important to not drink it can affect a lot of issues for the baby such as miscarriage. A still birth is also an effect from drinking the baby can be considered bad to the body if the entire toxin from the alcohol gets to the baby and the body will consider it bad. Fetal alcohol syndrome is the most common syndrome in the u.s now it can cause stubbornness and anger issues down the line. Birth weight, is not a big main concern as much as the others. Until the baby is born less than 5lbs it’s a problem. Preterm labor there is a lot of symptom that can pop up before you get that far to prevent preterm labor. The longer the baby is inside the better. Lastly brain damage is heart breaking. The brain is very sensitive to all those toxic put into the mother body that it can eat the baby brain up. It will cause a lot of problems for the baby in the long

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