Posterior Fetal Position

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Posterior Fetal Presentation Why is the baby’s position during labor so important that most women spend weeks in preparation for their baby to be delivered head-down? As the fetus grows, it starts to occupy most of the vacant space and can’t move around as much as it would when it was developing. In most cases (95%), around the 36th week most babies settle with their head down waiting to be delivered head-first through the birth canal. In other cases, babies are not in position that would make for a safe delivery which can result is a risk of complications. Such babies are delivered via Caesarean section. Your doctor or midwife will inform you as to what position your baby is in and what you would need to do to prevent complications. Fetal …show more content…

Here is a list of fetal positions: 1. Headfirst: This is the most fetal position, where a baby’s head is facing the mother’s vagina. This position also has variations- a. OA/ Occiput Anterior: The baby’s head will be directed downwards facing the mother’s rear, the chin is seen resting against it’s chest and legs are crossed. This birthing position is considered most favourable. b. OP/ Occiput Posterior: The baby Is head down facing the mother’s front. Baby’s in this position usually rotate into an OA position as the due date arrives but 5-6% of babies are born in this position. Also known as ‘sunny-side up’, this position may cause longer and more difficult labor. c. OT/ Occiput Transverse: The baby is head down facing the mother’s side. If necessary, babies in this position are encouraged to rotate with the help of forceps or vaccum extraction. This fetal position is uncommon and may need a Caesarean section for delivery. d. Face and Brow Presentations: The baby is head down but points it’s chin out instead of resting against it’s chest. The baby may enter the birth canal face-first or forehead-first. These are rare presentations and in some cases, may require a Caesarean

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