Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Analysis

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What is post-traumatic stress disorder? “PTSD is a condition that can develop after you have gone through a life-threatening event,”(Daniels and Steineke). Many veterans come home from war with post-traumatic stress disorder, and they need to start getting help. Many are uninformed of the seriousness of this disorder. In the following sources, “The Forever War of the Mind,” “Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD),” and “Daddy’s Home” enunciate that veterans need help coping with post-traumatic stress disorder and it is not a joking-around matter.
First off, “The Forever War of the Mind” by Max Cleland gives readers a personal experience dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder. This article shocks the readers with what replays in his …show more content…

Post-traumatic stress disorder can cause veterans to lose many qualities of life. “You may have trouble keeping yourself from thinking over and over about what happened to you. You may try to avoid people or places that remind you of the trauma. You may feel numb. You may startle easily and you may feel on guard most of the time,” (United States Department of Veterans Affairs). This quote clearly proves that post-traumatic stress disorder is painful and sucks the life out of the veterans. The veterans can never relax or take a deep breathe, they are always paranoid. Post-traumatic stress disorder can cause the veteran to become violent and angry, even towards the people they love. The veterans might even seem depressed, while they are remembering all of the friends who died. Because so many of the veteran’s friends died, they begin to blame themselves for allowing them to die. The worst of the side effects, drug and alcohol abuse. Life gets so rough and painful for the veterans, that they use drugs or alcohol for a quick pain release. As proven, post-traumatic stress disorder is a very serious disease that can destroy veteran’s

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