Possum Bands Third Attempt

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Title: Tree Bands

The article:

“Why are those bands around the trees”? I asked my partner as we drove through Albert Park recently. I was promptly reminded by my partner that while she was an authoritative source on brewing beer, she wasn’t one on tree bands and the why and wherefores of their use. “To stop rats from climbing up”? Why I hadn't noticed before I don't know, following a quick web search I soon knew the answer. They were in place to stop possums climbing the trees to nest in, and or eat the foliage. I had unwittingly entered the urban possum control debate. My first impression was its quite a bit like the climate change debate, except right on your neighbourhood doorstep1.

Possums, so cuddly and cute. They must rate amongst the most photogenic of Australia's marsupial creatures, right up there with Koala bears and irascible looking Wombats. We all know what is meant when people go 'aww' at the sight of them. Everyone loves them, unless your local park has had trees stripped of leaves, or your fruit trees stripped bare of fruit, or you've been stripped of night time sleep, shattered by bounding Possums in your roof.

Since European settlement of Australia native flora and fauna habitats have been changing, often times disappearing completely and definitely contracting. The inevitable consequence is a smaller number of all those flora and fauna species. Or is it? Sometimes some species do seem to derive a benefit from human expansion and activity. Possums, at least those that don't mind urban areas may very well be one of those species, like cats and dogs, that has learned how to cohabit in the biosphere with us.

Banding trees with broad strips of plastic or metal has for many years been the method that m...

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...rb and discourage possums from coming into your garden. Plugging up holes in your roof, putting plastic disks on power lines into your property (please don't do this yourself!) or live in a multi story apartment block with no gardens and lots of concrete.

On the other hand you could try some other approach, perhaps a more 'Arcadian'5 one for urban places. Try banding non native trees, put floppy fences around your fruit trees and vegetable patch. You could put in a possum nesting box, though doing this raises the management stakes. Its true that some species of possum can be very territorial, chasing of other possums moving into its range and nesting box. It is also true that, like that damn bounding dog (or smug cat) you own, yet another animal has been accepted into your household menagerie. Is it you becoming one with nature, or nature becoming one with you?

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