Portrayal Of Joseph In Islam Research Paper

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The portrayal of Joseph differs in the Biblical and Qur’anic versions in the depiction of Joseph’s characteristics. In the Biblical version, Joseph is described to be a normal human being who is capable of doing extraordinary things because of his faith in God. On the other hand, in the Qur’an illustrates Joseph to be a prophet, who posses knowledge given by God and is above the normal intelligence. The portrayal of Joseph in the Qur’an clearly demonstrates the Muslim’s faith and respect in prophets while the Biblical version of Joseph appears to be ordinary. While Joseph was in prison, he interpreted the dreams of many people there. The treatment he received in prison differs greatly between the Bible and the Qur’an due the portrayal of …show more content…

Being a devoted prophet to God, Joseph rejected the wife and escaped with ripped clothes. Infuriated with his escape, the wife utilized the ripped shirt as evidence for Joseph attacking or raping her. In the Qur’an, Al-Aziz proved Joseph’s innocence and found his wife to be guilty of lying. However, in the Bible, Potiphar imprisoned Joseph with his wife’s accusations. Once again, since the Qur’anic Joseph is portrayed as a prophet who is to be respected with the Biblical Joseph is viewed as an ordinary man who they’ve thrown into prison without further investigation. Joseph performing a miracle on Jacob’s eyes was complete eliminated from in the Old Testament, as it did not fit the quality of his character of a typical man. In the Qur’an, Joseph covered Jacob’s eyes with his shirt to restore his vision, which shows his special abilities blessed by God. By omitting the miracle, the Bible is able to keep Joseph’s characteristics as an ordinary man. Both versions of Joseph portrayed his character as gracious and influential. The Qur’anic Joseph was depicted as a prophet who had above-human intelligence and abilities given by God while the Biblical Joseph performed extraordinary things due to his complete faith in God as a normal

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