Popular Music: Disrespecting Women Through Music

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Disrespecting women through music Imagine you're somewhere with your friends and you are relaxing listening to music. The beat comes on with the artist, you start nodding your head, but then you realize what the artist is saying in his words. The artist describes a woman, in the most cruel and degrading manner. Only thinking of her physical features and how they come to benefit the artist in a sexual and detached situation. You keep listening anyway, because it’s cool and everyone else seems to like it. Plus, what important harm can this do? As with popular music, the perception and the effect of music-video messages are important, because research has reported that exposure to violence, sexual messages, sexual stereotypes, and use of substance abuse (CoCo by O.T. Genansis) in music videos might produce significant changes in behaviors and attitudes of young viewers who might later be the cause of the disrespect and abuse toward women and others. On the other hand, music has also shown everyone to respect women in a way as most people will argue and it is now an instrument to spread a positive message to the people of the world. Music of all cultures are singing the praises and the sexual use of women at all ages who then take and apply that song to everyday life. Music depicts disrespect and exemplifies women badly in many forms to the world. …show more content…

The lyrics of this song have been acclaimed to touch in the area of rape and the artists are now being sued due to Marvin Gaye’s song being too

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