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In the city of Pompeii, people sat outside, enjoyed the sun and not have a worry in their minds. This came to an end, as the sky turned black, everyone had to run for their lives to escape the volcanic eruption. In 79 A.D., Mount Vesuvius erupted near Pompeii and buried this ancient Roman city, many people died before their time. Before anyone could understand why this is such a popular event in world history, it is best to know about the city of Pompeii and the events that followed after. If a student heard about Pompeii, it would have appeared to be another tragic event in history that led to a large amount of people dying.
The Ancient Greeks first settled in and around Mount Vesuvius around the 8th century B.C. The region became a flourishing resort for Rome’s most distinguished citizens who soaked up the sun and enjoyed the scenery. Paved streets were lined with elegant houses and sophisticated villas. Daily life consisted of townspeople, tourist and slaves moved in and out of shop, factories, and eateries. Pompeii had a 20,000 seat arena where people would enjoy open-air and the marketplaces. Beautiful fountains gushed water from the Lower Apennine Mountains throughout the city and in private homes.
It has been said that volcanoes have produced very fertile soil, which lured many people to have lived around them. Wealthy farmers depended on the soil around Mount Vesuvius. Farmers had vast lands of olive groves and vineyards that produced wine that was shipped throughout all of Italy. A Roman statesman once complained that the popular Pompeiian wine produced a nasty hangover.
Life had been good for the city of Pompeii, but if only the people who lived there had a clue as to what was going to happen it would be...

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...tinguished citizens that suffered through one of history’s most devastating natural disasters. It sat in a valley that had perfect scenery that many residents enjoyed. Unfortunately it was buried and burned by Mount Vesuvius in the first century which destroyed the most beautiful architecture of that time. European families have often mimicked “Etruscan rooms” that were found in Pompeiian villas. Pompeii is still be researched and visited by today almost three centuries later. Mount Vesuvius is still a dangerous volcano and expected to have a similar eruption due any day now.

Works Cited

Doug, Stewart. Smithsonian Magazine, “Resurrecting Pompeii.” Last modified February 2006.
Accessed January 22, 2014. http://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/resurrecting-pompeii-109163501.

“Pompeii.” 2014. The History Channel website, http://www.history.com/topics/pompeii.

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