Polly And Digory: A Summary

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Being a guinea pig in a situation can always lead to misfortunes happening, as this is exactly what happened to Polly and Digory when they went to explore Digory’s uncle’s attic. Best friends, Polly and Digory live right next to one another in London, England. It was around the year 1900 and an extremely cold, wet summer. One rainy day the two friends had nothing better to do than explore the common attic of all the houses on their street. While they are exploring the attics, they walk into a door finding out its Digory’s mysterious Uncle Andrew’s study. There is nothing interesting about the study except for a few rings they spot across the room, and the friends soon find out that when they are worn, that whoever is wearing them will transport …show more content…

Queen Jadis is a seven-foot tall woman of extreme power and domination. The two friends quickly realize how all she wants is to cast a spell to kill all living things in order to rule over her sister, and because of this, they try to travel back to their world as quickly as possible. In the process, Queen Jadis holds onto Polly’s hair and ends up back on earth with them. After being home for not a long amount of time, Uncle Andrew becomes scared of Jadis and turns into her servant. The kids soon realize they have to get her back to Churn before she ruins anything in their world, so they head back to the attic with the Queen, Uncle Andrew, a cab horse, a cab driver and the two children. As they return to the Wood between the Worlds, they jump into what they believe is the pool for Churn but turns out being another world, Narnia. They are welcomed by a singing lion, Aslan. Aslan welcomes the newcomers but becomes upset with them for bringing Queen Jadis into his world. When Jadis realizes how upset Aslan is, she runs away. For he calls her a “force of evil”, and in order for Aslan to forgive them, they have to bring him back a magical apple so he can create a shield to where Queen Jadis can never come to Narnia again. As the …show more content…

This occurs because of the negative energy from the worlds that have been abandoned and Digory’s mom being the main conflict with her sickness. But the sickness of Mrs. Kirke makes their family stronger and grow closer together. This happens because Digory and Uncle Andrew did not use to be as close before as they were after the adventure to Narnia, and the only reason they had an adventure in Narnia was to get the magical apple back to their world to heal his mother. These series of events to get to and from Narnia caused the characters to never take for granted what they have, and if they get the chance to fix something, then take the chance to fix

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