Plato and Bacon

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Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave” is a story being told by Socrates to Plato’s brother, Glaucon. Socrates tells of prisoners in an underground cave who are made to look upon the front wall of the cave. To the rear of the prisoners, below the protection of the parapet, lie the puppeteers whom are casting the shadows on the wall in that the prisoners are perceiving reality. Once a prisoner is free, he's forced to look upon the fire and objects that once determined his perception of reality, and he so realizes these new pictures before of him are now the accepted forms of reality. Plato describes the vision of the real truth to be "aching" to the eyes of the prisoners, and the way they might naturally be inclined to going back and viewing what they need perpetually seen as a pleasing and painless acceptance of truth. This stage of thinking is noted as "belief." Francis Bacon opens his essay, "Idols of the Mind" by showing the reader that exploration, testing, and reason combined is that the solely way to really gain knowledge; only so much as the laws of nature are obeyed. He proceeds to introduce every of the four "idols of the mind": the tribe, cave, marketplace, and theatre, and why of these of those keeps humans from true understanding. Bacon speaks of the many ways that humans limit themselves in their minds and ways of thinking. Both authors make a point of showing the narrow-mindedness of humans by nature. In “Allegory of the Cave”, the prisoners believed that the shadows they were seeing were reality, with nothing more to it. The comfort of the said perceived, and therefore the fear of the unrecognized outside world would end in the prisoner being forced to climb the steep ascent of the cave and step outside int... ... middle of paper ... ...nown, trained minds will build toward universal knowing, that is that the end of the work. In spite of his scientific approach, Bacon in no way discounted the religious content within the world. Knowledge may arise from inspiration. This was Bacon’s perception on the human mind. The "Allegory of the Cave" represents a complex model on that we tend to are to travel through our lives and understanding. The four stages of thought combined with the progress of human development represent our own path to complete awareness during which the most virtuous and distinguished can reach, and upon doing so shall lead the general public. The story as told by Socrates and Glaucon presents a unique look at the manner during which reality plays such a crucial half in our own existence, and the way one understands it may be used as a qualification for leadership and government.

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