Pit Bulls Should Not Be Banned Research Paper

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Did you know that your pet could be in danger? There's a vote going around to ban aggressive dog breeds. The reason for this is that people think that some dog breeds are too aggressive, and should be taken away from owners worldwide. But this isn’t true. Studies have shown that no dog is inherently aggressive, and that any dog can be trained to be just as aggressive. Most of the time, the environment has more of an effect on a dog’s nature. Most dogs are aggressive because of their environment, or neglect. Pit bulls are not exclusive to aggression, any dog can be aggressive. Even a Labrador can be trained to be just as aggressive as a pit bull or any other dog. This supports my reasoning because it explains how pit bulls are not inherently …show more content…

At its core, BSL discriminates against dogs like pit bulls and Rottweilers based on perceived stereotypes about these breeds being inherently vicious or dangerous. However, numerous professional organizations have found no evidence that any breeds are disproportionately prone to aggression. A dog's propensity for violence stems from factors such as abuse, lack of socialization, and irresponsible ownership and breeding practices. Families with well-cared for, properly trained dogs fall victim to BSL simply due to the animals' physical characteristics. Enforcement of breed bans also faces major practical hurdles. Pit bulls are often hated because they attack anything and everyone. If any dog can be trained to be aggressive, then why are only pit bulls being banned? This explains my first reason because it tells the reader that pit bulls shouldn’t be exclusive to aggression and that no dogs should be banned. Since the majority of dogs are mixed-breeds, it is extremely difficult for law enforcement and animal control officers to accurately identify a dog's breed through visual inspection alone. This leads to inconsistent, subjective enforcement and many innocent family pets being needlessly confiscated or euthanized for their perceived heritage rather than any demonstrated

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