Physician Assisted Suicide Case Study

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79 percent of people in 2013 have committed suicide according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). That percentage has been done by mostly men out of a total of 41,000. People that are thinking or talking about killing themselves. People need to notice that these people are suffering they need help, and there are some amazing people out in the world they could help. In 2010 the most recent data there was 38,364 suicides in the United States, with all the deaths they are calculating people are going around telling others they are going to go and kill themselves. There are 8.3 millions thoughts and plans have been reported that American adults have had thoughts. “In the past year, 2.2 million went as far as to make plans, and 1 million made …show more content…

They were getting bullied and they were scared to go and tell people. The main character Hannah Baker killed herself because she was depressed and then people were going around saying she was a bad person. They kept saying things about her that were not true, and she was depressed and needed help. She even went into see her guidance counselor and she even said she was done with life and she felt empty, I can remember what she said from watching the shows. Hannah Baker made a whole tape about how and why she killed herself her first tape starts out like, “hello boys and girls. Hannah baker here. Live and in stereo. No return engagements, no encore, and this time absolutely no requests. I hope you’re ready, because I’m about to tell you the story of my life. More specifically, why it ended. And if you’re listening to these tapes, you’re one of the reasons why”(MemorableQuotes). This is a perfect way of showing how the world needs to focus more on suicide and when someone says they want to die people need to take it seriously. There are four different types of suicide, they are different so when people say they committed suicide there are multiple reasons why they did it. The four different types are Egoistic, Anomic, Altruistic, and Fatalistic. They all have four different meaning, but the most reason is because of depression. There are many different reasons bullying is a big issue with people doing this and having thoughts of doing this. It is because people do not care how they treat other people

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