Photoshop Persuasive Essay

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Photoshop is a major contributor to mental health problems in teens and people everywhere. Suicide rates have gone up and depression is polluting everyone, and digital alteration is partially to blame. Photoshop creates an unobtainable ideal for society, is false advertisement, and creates a serious and dangerous epidemic in the development in children.
The use of photoshop creates an unobtainable ideal for society. Teens everywhere are dealing with self-esteem issues that are causing major problems. Having women photoshopped to perfection is showing how women have to look like for them to be considered beautiful. Even famous people are taking a stand. Lorde reported, "Taylor Swift is so flawless, and so unattainable, and I don't think that's …show more content…

Photoshopping makeup to appear flawless also is false, as it wrongly shows what it will look like applied. It is used to make their product look better than it actually is. By editing away zits or acne scars to make their product seem to work, when in reality it doesn't work as well. Some claim that it is on the same health level as what we eat. “It's mandatory for food and medicine to be labeled accurately for the physical health of consumers -- why shouldn't images be labeled if they will affect the mental health of the reader?” (Menza). It should be mandatory for an altered picture to be labeled with Photoshop. Being Photoshop-free has its advantages; consumers can see how the size of their body or body shape will look in the item, and their self esteem in the item won't be diminished.
Photoshop is not even a form of creative art. It only brings health issues and false images. There is no point to photoshop, it is lying about products, bringing people down, and is blurring reality. It makes the models think that there was something wrong with their bodies, which just adds to the mess. This problem is on the same level as any other mental health issue, and it needs to be dealt with

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