Phineas Gage Concussions

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e probe its secrets, the more surprises we find.” With the brain being an organ of utmost importance and survival depending upon it, what happens when this valuable organ gets hurt? One of the most notorious brain injury documentations is the case of Phineas Gage. Gage was a railroad worker who was impaled by an iron rod, fracturing his skull and causing extensive frontal lobe damage. As documented by his physician, his personality drastically changed, going from a social and responsible man to negligent and profane and unable to work. This can be explained by examining the type of brain injury that has taken place and the location. There are many types of brain injuries, each with corresponding effects.
The first most common brain injury …show more content…

PCS presents as irritability, depression and anxiety. Researchers from Toronto University Rehabilitation institute conducted a study in 2004 to check on the emotional and behavioral aftereffects of a concussion as little research had done to identify the connection. The study found that depression, confusion, and total mood disturbance that resulted from the concussion disappeared within three weeks. Each emotion had a different rate of decrease, with depression taking seven days to resolve, while confusion and mood disturbance took 17 to 21 days. If an individual sustains more than three concussions in their lifetime, they risk second impact syndrome (SIS). This describes when an individual sustains a second head injury before or after the first injury is done healing, typically common in those who play contact sports. This can cause vascular engorgement, increased intracranial pressure and eventual herniation. The herniation may involve the medial frontal lobe. This leads to cerebral edema, chronic encolapthy, depression, reduced cognitive performance and sometimes, death. It’s all dependent on which part of the brain was impacted. Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) is the degeneration of the brain caused by SIS. Psychological symptoms include impulsive behavior, difficulty thinking, depression or apathy, substance abuse and suicidal thoughts and behavior. …show more content…

An estimated 1,000 to 3,000 children die each year from it. SBS occurs when a frustrated caregiver or parent of a baby violently shakes the baby in an attempt to subdue crying. Punishable by charges of child abuse and homicide, it’s not taken lightly. Since a baby has weak neck muscles and a larger head, it’s more susceptible to brain damage. When shaken, the brain bounces around inside the skull, damaging tissues causing bruising, bleeding and swelling. This results in either severe brain damage or death. Symptoms of SBS include retinal bleeding, damage to the spinal cord and neck and rib fractures. Often, babies display lethargy, convulsions, difficulty breathing, irritability and convulsions. If the baby survives the surgery to try to repair damages within the brain, they will develop either cerebral palsy or cognitive impairment. This leads us to the disorders of the brain that patients are born

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