Phineas 'Denial In The Book A Separate Peace'

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A Separate Peace What is denial? Denial is the action of declaring something to be untrue. “Denial is the worst form of the truth” (Ella the Wise and Powerful). In the book A Separate Peace there are three reasons why Phineas denied that there was a war. The first reason is because he broke his leg and no military branch would accept him in. The second reason is that since he couldn’t go to fight in the war, he didn’t want any of his friends going. The final reason was he was coping with Gene breaking his leg. Why would anyone deny that there was a war? Phineas denied that there was a war. He did this because he sent letters after letters to the navy, the military, the air force, and the army. They denied him time and time again. All of his friends and his classmates kept getting accepted to any of the military branches. He me must have felt embarrassed because when he sees and hears about how all of his friends are getting accepted he was getting denied. That also made him feel useless because the only reason that the military wouldn’t accept him was because of his leg. That is why he probably felt useless, because when all of his friends are going to be heading off to fight in this great war that had to be fought, he was going to be back in the states and be at home or at some job instead of fighting in this great war. …show more content…

Phineas denied the war again and again. Phineas kept denying that there was a war because he didn’t want to accept that Gene had broken his leg on purpose and that Gene would go off to fight it the war and he couldn’t because Gene broke his leg. You can see that he didn’t want to accept it because when they were doing the trial Phineas got up and ran way until he broke his leg and then when Gene came to visit him he tried to get away from

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