Philip Larkin's "Talking in Bed"

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Philip Larkin’s poem “Talking in Bed” tells the truth about life and how relationships can slowly descend overtime. It explores the idea that no matter how close we are to someone, we can still experience intense depths of loneliness. The language emphasizes the feelings of what an empty marriage may feel like. The poem also gives the impression it is from the male’s perspective. It is written in four stanzas, each with three lines of ten syllables apiece. This makes it a short lyrical ballad. Through the tone, the language, and the imagery, Larkin is able to create a feeling in which he can effectively criticize and deconstruct the subject of innocence in relation to his current life experiences. There are many examples of imagery in this poem, all of which show two people in bed, lying close to each other, but somewhat distant in their relations as they realize how much they have changed. “Talking in Bed” also shows symbolism and lines that express multiple meanings by explaining the ultimate error throughout human history, man and wife living out their days with each other, yet being completely alone. They are not able to find the words that were once there, or knowing that the words that were once there never had true meaning.

The author of the poem discusses right away that lying with one's partner is the basis of human nature, "Lying together there goes back so far, / an emblem of two people being honest" (1.1-2). However, through the use of words the meanings can be interpreted in many ways and take on entirely different meanings. As one would first read, "Lying together" seems innocent enough, as the image of two lovers clutching each other in a romantic embrace comes straight to mind. However, it can be said that the ...

... middle of paper ... form from the first stanza through to the fourth. In the first stanza, the poet hints that the couple involved have been together for quite some time; "Lying together there goes back so far". It has a very powerful message for everyone that reads it, and because the language is so simple, it is even more effective in getting that message across. The reader would imagine that the feeling they experience at the end of the poem must be how the poet would feel while lying in bed with his lover, unable to express himself as "more and more time passes silently".

Works Cited

Black, Joseph Laurence. “Philip Larkin.” The Broadview Anthology of British Literature. Vol. B. Peterborough, Ont.: Broadview, 2007. Pg. 1424. Print.

"Oxford English Dictionary." Search Results - Oxford English Dictionary. Oxford University Press. Web. 19 Mar. 2011. .

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