Peter Nowalk's How To Get Away With Murder

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Narrative is a chain of events in cause-effect relations occurring in time and space (2008) or as Jonathan Bignell simply puts, “an ordered sequence of images and sounds that tells a fictional or a factual story.” (2008). The chosen television series for this assignment task is How to Get Away with Murder, commonly abbreviated as (HTGAWM). It is a crime drama created by Peter Nowalk and produced by Shonda Rimes. It premiered on ABC on the 25th of September 2014. This television series features an ensemble cast and lies within the premise of two murders, Lila Stangard, mistress of Annalise Keating's husband Sam Keating; and Sam Keating at the hands of four of Annalise's interns. Annalise Keating is a criminal defense attorney and law professor at Middleton University, Philadelphia. She chooses five students from her class to intern at her firm — Wes Gibbons, Michaela Pratt, Connor Walsh, Laurel Castillo and Asher Millstone — also known as The Keating Five along with her employees Frank Delfino and Bonnie Winterbottom, an associate lawyer.

How to Get Away with Murder falls under the narrative technique of nonlinear narrative. Nonlinear narrative is where the narrative does not follow the direct causality pattern of the events featured, such as parallel distinctive plot lines, dream …show more content…

By contrast, in a serial the story and discourse do not come to a conclusion during one episode, and the threads are picked up again after a hiatus.” (1988). By and large, How to Get Away with Murder would be considered a series as it is a crime drama. However, based on Sarah Kozloff’s differentiation, How to Get Away with Murder is more of a serial rather than a series. While Annalise Keating settles a court case in majority of the episodes as in crime dramas, the bigger premise of the series lies in the murders of Lila Stangard and Sam

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