Peter Halbrook Local

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The plotline of this short story “Local” by Peter Halbrook seems underdeveloped and it left me with many unanswered questions. The story seems to be about a woman simply redecorating her home with the help of a local “color guru” but I think there may be much more to the beginning stages of this remodeling relationship than I am privy to knowing or being told . The unnamed narrator explains that the reason the protagonist even became involved with Kenny to begin with is because she was “committed to buying local” , as if it was an obligation that she could not shake and none of the other department stores had the specific brand she wanted anyway so she had to go to the Paint Shoppe. The nature of the relationship is ambiguous because the narrator …show more content…

If I read into this story hard enough, I could try to make a connection between the lack the of participation and interest of the woman’s husband in her efforts to better their home with the hyper interest of Kenny’s. The two bonded over the “interior project”, which could mean that the author may have been trying to link intimacy with the interior of her home or mask their affair with words that make them sound completely innocent. I also could assume that Kenny replaced her husband in this aspect of her life because they have a common interest in “contemplating shades of white” but again the man could have just been doing his job. However, I will say that she found comfort in his understand of her wishes, something her husband could not be bothered with. Kenny and the woman had many encounters over the time it took for her to decorate her home just the way she wanted and to be very satisfied. While I can not completely conclude that the relationship was more than platonic, I can say there was a definite friendship because the woman had become comfortable enough with Kenny to accept advice on other things not relating to paint. Not only was she comfortable with Kenny, but the shop dogs “wagged and approached when she arrived”, indicating that she was a “regular”. It is possible that the woman went to the shop too often, and that she just wanted to satisfy her need for attention. Kenny could give her that attention under the premise that they were meeting up about the many projects she took on. I noticed that “desire” and “deep” were used to describe certain aspects of their interactions. These words made me increasingly suspicious of infidelity but what tipped the scale is when the narrator mentioned that the “black dog sometimes slept through her visits.” What exactly was this dog sleeping through? Was it loud, wall transforming sex or

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