Peter Brook's Lord Of The Flies

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Lord of the Flies
Peter Brook's film Lord of the Flies(1963) is set in black-and-white. It tells a story of a group of young British boys who are stuck on an island with no adults. The young boys try to appoint a leader which end in horrible results. The battle between right and wrong becomes the man issue. The use of symbolism ,music, and irony supports the theme of Good vs. Evil .
One significant aspect of this film is symbolism. In the beginning of the film the boys are singing in Greek, translating to ," Lord have mercy on us," this song becomes essential because the young boys face a battle within themselves , and the music plays more than once in the film in specific parts. The title Lord of the Flies also contributes to the view of …show more content…

The issue of the beast is still paramount. Both groups now know the that the beast resides on the top of the cliffs. Jack's group hunted and killed a pig, offered up its head on a stick . Simon the non-believer of the beast goes to see for himself. Simon realizes that it was not a beast at all but a human being . He rushes to tell the boys , it is dark out and the boys are on the beach chanting and screaming , the mistakenly take Simon for the beast and kill him. Simon appears to be a messenger coming to spread the good news, but ends up making the ultimate sacrifice. They show him floating on the water , arms stretched wide , he strikes as being a Christ-like figure . As Simon drifts away you see the reflection of light on the water. The boys are now at the peak boys there transition from being good and sensible to being evil and savages. The death of Simon should of set the boys on the right path but that was not the case. Jack's group stole piggy's glasses to make a fire for their pig . Ralph and Piggy go to Jack's camp to get them back. Piggy asks the boys would they rather be civilized and sensible or savages and hunt. As if piggy were giving the boys their last chance to be human and good. The boys push a rock off the cliff and kill piggy. The beast is known to live on top of the cliffs , and here you can see the irony showing just whom the beast really is.

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