Persuasive Syrian Refugees Essay

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Terrorism is a barbaric act that always ends up in a world wide tragedy, so of course people want to take preventive measures against this. Right now, no one wants to be in France's shoes, with the coordinated terrorist attacks that killed 130 people. Leaders don't want to be next, and when they see that one terrorist snuck in with a Syrian refugee passport, they want to take measures to prevent that, such as, not letting in Syrian refugees. With all this gray area, Should Obama let refugees into our country, our backyard, with the chance that one of them might be a terrorist? The U.S will let Syrian refugees in even if the general populous doesn’t want to. Syria is in horrible condition. In 2011, a peaceful protest went awry when the government open fired on protesters, starting a civil war which is still waging on today, for four years. Syria has vastly deteriorated with both sides violating human rights by torturing and waging chemical warfare. When their home became a battle ground, half of the population of Syria fled, and all in all 12.6 million need humanitarian help. With Turkey and Lebanon taking most of the burden, other countries still need to help, and Obama understands that, …show more content…

The House passed a bill that will make the refugee process more thorough, and the white house threatened to veto the bill. On a vote of 289-137, the house called for a higher screening process for refugees after the Paris attacks; 47 democrats joined 242 republicans for the vote. The process will have the top 2 F.B.I agents check off each refugee, creating a 10,000 paper stack for them to check off. This means that the white house isn't making false promises that will look good for press, but are taking measures to ensure that refugees will be let into the country. Just like with an eraser, we can write down lies and erase them, acting as if we never wrote them, but the eraser will be shorter like our trust will be less after each

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